Burn-out recovery

A burnout occurs when your body is under high stress for an extended period. This causes your "fight-or-flight mode" (sympathetic nervous system) to remain constantly active. As a result, your body produces a lot of the stress hormone cortisol. At the same time, the system that should help you relax and recover (parasympathetic nervous system) does not function properly. This leads to physical exhaustion, making recovery more difficult, resulting in extreme fatigue, sleep problems, loss of concentration, and an increased susceptibility to illness. This vicious cycle of stress and exhaustion makes recovery increasingly difficult.

The Cause

The Dutch Constitution outlines the key responsibilities of the Ministries of Education, Culture, and Science (OCW) and Health, Welfare, and Sports (VWS). The specific legal references are as follows:

Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (OCW)

The Constitution does not explicitly mention OCW, but education is governed by Article 23 of the Constitution. This article guarantees the right to education and states that public education is organized by the state, while private education is offered through private initiatives. It forms the basis for the policy that the OCW Ministry implements in the fields of education, culture, and science:

Article 23 of the Constitution: "Education is a matter of ongoing concern for the government."

Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports (VWS)

Similarly, the Constitution does not explicitly mention this ministry, but health policy is generally based on the state's authority to legislate on public health and welfare. The constitutional basis for public welfare and care is implied by the state's duty of care:

Article 22 of the Constitution: "The government is obliged to ensure public health." This article establishes the government's duty of care for the health of the population, which is an important policy area for the VWS Ministry.

Article 22, paragraph 1 of the Constitution: "The government takes measures to promote public health."

The Prime Minister, as described in Article 45 of the Constitution, is responsible for coordinating between the ministries.

Article 45 of the Constitution

  1. The ministers together form the Council of Ministers.
  2. The Prime Minister is the chairperson of the Council of Ministers.
  3. The Council of Ministers discusses and decides on the general government policy and promotes the unity of that policy.

Also read

Childhood Trauma

Childhood trauma plays an important role in how we later cope with stress, as unresolved traumas influence our emotional responses and stress regulation. When children experience traumas such as neglect, abuse, or lack of safe attachment, this can disrupt the development of healthy coping mechanisms. This can lead to difficulties in regulating emotions, making them more vulnerable to overload in stressful situations.

Furthermore, Gabor Maté speaks about small traumas. These are subtle, often unconscious experiences of neglect or emotional pain that accumulate over time. These small traumas often arise from things we do not always recognize as "trauma," such as a lack of attention or recognition from parents. These invisible traumas influence our emotional regulation and can contribute to issues such as addiction, depression, and burnout.

Additionally, childhood trauma often affects self-esteem and social relationships. People who did not experience positive affirmation or support during their childhood may struggle to seek support from others later in life. They may have learned to bottle up their emotions internally, which can contribute to chronic stress or even burnout.


The use of antidepressants typically lasts around 9 months [3]. However, doctors often do not clearly state when and how to stop this medication. As a result, people sometimes become dependent for years, and attempts to stop often fail. According to reliable research, about 50% of people struggle greatly to reduce antidepressants [4]. Withdrawal symptoms can be quite intense and resemble the symptoms people had when they first started the medication. These include flu-like symptoms, sleep problems, gastrointestinal issues, feelings of electric shocks, tingling, and psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and irritability [5].

Only start using antidepressants after you have tried psilocybin, oven-baked cannabis, and LSD-25. Antidepressants can sometimes take up to 12 weeks to show effect and only suppress the problem. More than 1.1 million Dutch people use antidepressants daily and 485,000 Dutch people have suicidal thoughts


Therapy is a way to feel better both mentally and emotionally. It helps you understand why you sometimes feel down and teaches you how to cope with stress, anxiety, or difficult experiences. A professional therapist talks with you, helps you gain insights, and teaches you new, healthy ways to deal with problems. The goal is that you gain more self-confidence, understand yourself better, and learn how to improve. It is a safe place to be yourself and work toward a happier life.

Antidepressants can disrupt the therapy process because they numb your emotions. This means that you are less able to truly understand and address your feelings. While medication can make you feel temporarily better, it does not help solve the underlying problems. This makes it harder to grow through therapy and find better ways to cope with stress or other challenges. As a result, you may only relieve your symptoms but not actually solve your problems.

Your ego and unresolved childhood trauma can hinder the therapy process because they often prevent you from being honest with yourself. Your ego wants to protect you by hiding or rationalizing your emotions, while childhood trauma makes it difficult to cope with painful feelings. This makes it harder to gain real insights and address your issues. Instead of growing, you remain stuck in old patterns that keep you further from healing.

Psilocybin can help in this process by helping you release blockages in your thoughts and emotions. It makes it easier to feel and truly understand old pain, such as childhood trauma. The way psilocybin affects your brain allows you to be open to new insights and let go of ingrained patterns. This can help you heal more deeply, understand yourself better, and process old traumas, contributing to your personal growth and recovery.

LSD-25 can do the same as psilocybin, but with a stronger effect. It opens new perspectives and helps you dive deep into your subconscious, where you are often stuck with unresolved trauma or emotional blockages. The way LSD activates your brain allows you to break free from entrenched patterns and better understand and process your emotions. This allows you to gain deeper insights, release traumas, and find a clear path to healing and personal growth. It can help restore the balance between body and mind.


Problem: On 01-04-2021, I ended up in a burnout. 

Cause: I was afraid of dying (emotion) because I had undergone surgery for a narrowing of my aorta at my heart (event), and I thought that the hard work of my heart at the beginning of my life had to be paid with the end of my life (thought).

Childhood trauma: I couldn’t talk about my emotions (lack of skill) because I had learned that if you cry, no one listens to you (life rule), and crying is for wimps (life rule).

Family role: Due to a lack of emotional availability from my mother, I started to serve/please (coping strategy), making me dependent on the appreciation of others.



  • Crying is healthy
  • I can experience emotions without judgment
  • When it gets tough, there is only one person you can rely on
  • Say it, because no one will do it for you

The way there

Childhood trauma arises in your youth, often from things that make you believe you are not good enough or not worthy of love. This can stem from not being heard or not being able to meet certain expectations. These events shape your beliefs and how you see yourself, which then influences how you behave later in life.

It’s important to look back at those moments from your childhood and understand how they influence your behavior, even though this can sometimes be difficult. When you reflect on what you’ve been through, you can better understand yourself. This can help bring to the surface things you have buried and ultimately heal. This process is called "turning inward," or connecting with yourself and your emotions.

Trauma is not only stored in your thoughts but also in your body. This means that instead of feeling your emotions, you often ignore or suppress them. This usually happens for protection because it is too painful to face them. Instead of listening to yourself, you seek approval from others. You want others to approve of you because it gives you a 'good' feeling, even when you feel differently inside.

True healing begins when you learn to validate yourself, which means accepting yourself as you are, without needing approval from others. It takes courage to look inward, to feel, and to understand what is really going on inside you. How does it feel deep inside? Learning to feel and understand your emotions is the first step in healing old beliefs that no longer serve you. It’s about learning to trust yourself again.

Hier is de vertaalde versie van de tekst: ---

Now we come to psilocybin, a substance sometimes used to help people break through blockages. The connection with your own feelings is something many people lose through trauma, much like grass that dries up when it isn't nourished. Psilocybin can work like a kind of "food" for that dry grass. It helps you open the door to your feelings again, so that you can feel and experience deeper parts of yourself. This can help you let go of old patterns, such as ignoring your emotions.

Although this process is not always easy, it is important. It may feel uncomfortable, but it is necessary to let go of old pain and blockages. Psilocybin can sometimes be a powerful tool because it expands your consciousness and provides new insights. It’s like nurturing something that has been neglected for a long time, so that it can grow and flourish again. In this way, you can reconnect with yourself and begin to heal.


New beliefs and life rules can completely change your life. Think about quitting smoking or drinking alcohol. When you decide to make healthier choices, such as drinking less or eating better, you will notice that your body feels better and that you connect more easily with people who share the same values. You will start seeing yourself and others differently, and this creates a positive change in your behavior.

Your behavior determines who you are and who you surround yourself with. For example, if you stop unhealthy habits, this can not only improve your health, but also your social life. You will attract people who want to live a healthy lifestyle too, and you may leave behind old friends who are not in line with your values. This can boost your self-confidence because you are making choices that are good for you.

New life rules help you feel better about yourself, and this affects everything: from your relationships to your mindset. It makes you stronger, healthier, and happier because you are living according to what is truly good for you.


10 micrograms of LSD-25

Thanks to the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport, the Dutch population is confronted with two consciousness-altering and carcinogenic substances that can cause depression under the guise of being able to, and especially allowed to, enjoy them. Furthermore, the healthcare burden is increasing every year (mandatory basic health insurance), the personal deductible game is being played, and natural solutions such as breathing, feeling without judgment, meditation, fasting, and abstinence (from orgasm) are ignored. Since the Ministry of Health has no knowledge of this and the Ministry of Education is not involved at all, this is overlooked.

No action is being taken from a human-centered approach. These people are blind to the system. Therefore, you should ask yourself: What do I need to be mentally and physically healthy? Tobacco with all its chemicals and alcohol are certainly not the best choice.

Source: https://www.rivm.nl/bibliotheek/rapporten/340001001.pdf

LSD-25 was discovered in 1938 when Albert Hoffman of Sandoz Pharmaceuticals attempted to synthesize ergot fungus. In 1943, it was patented as a treatment for anxiety disorders. In the 1950s and 1960s, Stanislav Grof achieved great success with LSD therapy, advancing scientific research on LSD, which was hindered and discouraged by regulation. Despite this, we now know much more and can conclude that Stanislav Grof's observations are scientifically supported, meaning this is an old medicine that could greatly help many people today. Furthermore, they should have included the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances in the Medicinal Products Act. The medical value had already been recognized, so these substances were registered as generic medicines, and their availability was regulated. The question is whether you still have it or whether you can help someone in your environment with it.

Who Am I?

As a therapist, I combine innovation and expertise to guide people in their emotional healing and personal growth. My knowledge of psychology, psychedelics, and personal development allows me to offer unique programs based on the latest scientific insights and therapeutic techniques.

With a strong background in therapies such as holotropic breathwork and a focus on emotional healing, I help people process trauma and discover their full potential. I combine these practical skills with inspiration from pioneers like Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, who redefined family dynamics, and Dr. Gabor Maté, whose work reveals the role of trauma in health. Additionally, I use insights from Richard Grannon and Professor Sam Vaknin to support people in recovering from emotional abuse and dealing with narcissism.

My work is also inspired by the groundbreaking discoveries of Stanislav and Christina Grof in psychedelic therapy. They paved the way for holistic approaches to mental health, which I refine and expand into innovative methods, such as the medical use of LSD-25.

With 20 years of experience in psychedelics and a degree as a Professional Coach (2020, Academy for Psychodynamics), I have deepened my knowledge by specializing in emotional trauma in 2023. Since then, I have focused on the medical application of LSD-25 and am working at the forefront of treating mental health issues. My recent books, such as Mentally Healthy with LSD, LSD Teaches You Understanding, and LSD Reduces Appetite, provide practical insights and guidance for healing and well-being.

My mission is to revolutionize therapy by combining scientific validation, personal experience, and empathetic guidance so that clients can not only overcome their traumas but also lead a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Administrative Note

  • Substances for pleasure: Conscious and responsible use of medications that can be used in mental health care, such as Cannabis (from the oven or via a vaporizer), Ketamine, Ecstasy (MDMA), and Psilocybin Mushrooms (psilocybin)
  • On the Opium List as hard drugs: Crack, Heroin, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cocaine.
Over de schrijver
Youri heeft zich gespecialiseerd in psychologie, neurologie en traumaverwerking, met bijzondere aandacht voor innovatieve therapieën zoals holotropisch ademhalen en psychedelische therapieën. Hij heeft zich verder verdiept in strategische economie, de impact van technologie op justitie en het belang van een stabiel monetair systeem, zoals zijn werk rondom de Digitale Gulden laat zien. Met opleidingen in Marketing, Inkoop & Supply Chain Management en Psychodynamische Coaching, combineert hij academische kennis met praktische inzichten om maatschappelijke structuren te verbeteren. Youri schrijft over uiteenlopende thema’s, waaronder: 📌 Digitale innovatie en economie – Hoe technologie een veerkrachtige economie kan ondersteunen. 📌 Criminaliteit en preventie – De rol van trauma en therapie bij het doorbreken van vicieuze cirkels. 📌 Jeugdzorg en GGZ – Hervormingen en innovatieve zorgmethoden zoals AI en psychedelica. 📌 Justitie en rechtvaardigheid – Technologie als middel om een eerlijker rechtssysteem te creëren. 📌 Duurzaamheid en klimaat – Realistische en haalbare oplossingen voor een groenere toekomst. Zijn analyses zijn kritisch, principegericht en toekomstgericht, met als doel praktische en duurzame verbeteringen in de samenleving. Youri is een pionier op het gebied van psychedelische therapieën en onderzoekt de rol van LSD-25, psilocybine en MDMA bij trauma-herstel, burn-out en verslavingszorg. Hij schreef onder andere: 📖 De Sleutel tot jouw Potentieel 📖 Geestelijk gezond met LSD 📖 LSD leert je begrijpen Zijn werk draagt bij aan de herwaardering van natuurlijke geneeswijzen en de integratie van psychedelica in de reguliere gezondheidszorg. Youri’s filosofie draait om authenticiteit, zelfzorg en duurzaam handelen. Hij gelooft dat echte vooruitgang ontstaat wanneer we: ✅ Natuurlijke oplossingen als norm nemen. ✅ Verbinden in plaats van verdelen. ✅ Zelfzorg als basis stellen. ✅ Oplossen in plaats van onderdrukken. ✅ Consistent en betrouwbaar handelen. Met deze visie werkt hij aan maatschappelijke innovatie en praktische hervormingen.
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